August 4th, Miao "returned home" and visited
her dear friends, Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith and his wife Dr. Rickie Byars,
co-founders of Agape International Spiritual Center. When they first met, they
had immediate affinity for each other, each recognizing the other as a member
of Guan Yin's Divine "team." Upon feeling the transformative
power of Miao's mantric voice, Reverend Michael invited her to host a third
Phoenix Rising mantric concert at Agape for the benefit of the local community.
They knew they would eventually meet again and with divine timing and collaborate
to assist in our collective elevation of consciousness.
All are invited to Yuan Miao's first U.S. art show at Ethos Gallery August 22, 2013 at 7 p.m.. Share in the powerful vibrational energy! May we all
continue to grow in love, compassion and wisdom. Ya la suo!